There are 3 different uses for enriched ores:
Lv 1 Armor / Lv 4 Weapon
Useless. Just get a Safe to X certificate. Not worth discussing for this purpose.
Shadow Gear
Useless. Not worth the risk of breaking. It will never be worth it even if the ores were free.
Lv 2 Armor / Lv 5 Weapon
This is the only real use for enriched ores at the moment so this is what I'll focus on.
Facts about enriched ores:
- Better rates
- Decrease 1 level on failure instead of 3
- They cost 1000/900 Muh
The alternative, normal ores, only cost oridecon/elunium and etel dust. So enriched ores don't cost "4x more" but like 170x more. And while intuition may tell you they aren't worth it, when we go and do the math we find out that using enriched ore at +9 > +10 is actually not that bad.
While it's slightly more expensive, you cut the number of attempts considerably. Here's a comparison:
| Steps | Cost
Only Etherium | 487 | 48.72 M
Enriched at +9 > +10 | 251 | 53.31 M
This is assuming current market prices:
- Elunium 40k
- Etel Dust 10k
- Refinement NPC 50k
- Enriched Elu 8.5m
So yeah I'd say it's pretty balanced. However it's only really useful at the last step. And as the price of normal ores and etel goes down, it'll be less and less worth it to use enriched cost-wise. Where enriched really shines is in saving you precious time and sanity by nearly halving the number of times you'll hear the clink clank of refinement.
I'm not posting the math here because it's out of the scope of the post but for now just trust me bro.