Some few suggestions to quicken dungeon runs for daily purposes.
-Add "Favorite Warps" next to Last Warp Option(You cant run every dungeons so selective warps for easy access. List is way too long. Here you can customize your daily runs with Favorite Warps Option.)
-Add "Take All" Option to multiple quest/task such as Water Garden Daily Tasks.
-Shorten/Remove Cutscenes e.g. Devil's Tower, Hidden Garden, OGH(especially this dungeon, takes too much time waiting for Evil thing to come out and you have to do it twice H/N mode so making it spawn quicker saves time. And those boss cutscenes that you see on daily basis is taking too long to wait.),
-Increase Drop rate of "Token of Apostle" in Sealed Shrine(the only thing that is holding you in that dungeon.)
These are some of the difficulties you face having it done daily. Saving time is always a relief.
As you can see its too precious for these dungeons to skip just because its taking much time for completion. Removing some details on it wont hurt the game especially cutscenes that no body wants to hear them again and again XD.
Happy wait for implementation in the future!