[PvM to WoE] is a series of suggestion that is targetted towards our PvM gearing system that is currently being used in WoE SE scene, and have close to 0 impact on the real PvM endgame scene.
Apart from the highly available convertible wing, Temporal Manteaus are still quite interesting manteau for WoE SE scene. But let's see our drop rate of these items:
Relevant WoE SE Gears:
- King Schmidt's Suit
- Temporal Manteaus
All of them have a drop rate of 1.5%, there is close to no chance that someone would be running Bubble Gum while doing instances, so we can just assume people just go do this instance with just their DPS gears.
If we do the math and make a cumulative drop rate, a player who wants to get King Schmidt's Suit / Temporal Manteau will have a cumulative chance of 50% to get what they want after killing the boss for at least 46 TIMES
This mean, a person like me who happened to have 5 Windhawks on the go, would have to go 10x Days in a row for a 50% chance to get the item that I want. 50% chance and not even 100% chance.
Now to make a comparison, to get Pirate's Captain Coat (the real end game garment) Ingredients:
- 250x Zelunium
- 30x Will of Red Darkness
Trying to get this item will not even take 5 minute to make. Compared to the 46x Instances across 10 days spread with a cumulative drop chance of 50%.
Currently clearing an FoGH normal gives 6x Instance Coins, and for 125x Instance Coins (13x FoGH Runs and 3 days for me with 5x Windhawks), I would have a 1/6 chance to get the Temporal Manteau that I would need. 16.66% Chance = 50% Cumulative chance at 4th tries (500 Instance Coins).
Now tell me if there is someone who thinks 500 Instance Coins for a 50% chance to get the item you need is a good rate.
- Increase Base Drop Chance of these items to at least 5% (50% Cumulative Drop Rate at 16 kills)
- Make people to be able to the item they want from the chest, and include King Schmidt's Suit and Manteau to this chest.
Why do I need to make this suggestion to be this long? Because I'm 100% sure there are million of things like this in MuhRO that severely need help. Temporal Armor (Best in slot in WoE TE), Expert Ring (ACDR Ring, might be best in slot in WoE TE), Friday Enchant system breaking at 80% chance, FoGH Accessory not being reroll able and many more. I simply don't have enough time to write them down one by one by myself, and we kinda have to do this together if we want to smoothens out the "PvM" part of our WoE SE gearing system for the future players so they don't get overwhelmed by the fact that they have to farm 2000hours (hyperbolic) before they can even step into WoE scene.