It's the last week of spring event part 1 ~ ๐ฎ
- ๐ Automated Event Rewards will now be sent directly to inventory (no mail).
- ๐ Disguise Event is now part of the automated hourly events.
- ๐ Treasure Chest is no longer part of the automated hourly events.
- ๐ Happy Hour Maps:
- Chance to receive bonus loot now depends on the map's monster density.
- Add a chance to spawn Treasure Chests on monster kills.
- ๐ Slot Machine: Ascension Aura Box has been replaced with Costume Magical Wing (purple)
- ๐ Fixed an issue that could cause Spring Invasion to end too soon.
- ๐ Fluffring drop table expanded with:
- Flareon
- Slowpoke
- Vaporeon
- Vulpix
- Jolteon
- Togepi
- ๐ Endless Cellar: fixed an issue that could break Monsters spawning in final room.
๐Items/Item handling
- ๐ Fixed Costume Floating Shield's layering.
- ๐ Fixed / Updated various headgear costume's layering.
- ๐ Fixed missing prefixes for new costume effect stones.
- ๐ก Sapha Certification can now be sold to NPC.
- ๐ Costume Angeling Bread Hat position on male classes.
- ๐ Fixed True Red Booster's duration.
- ๐ Fixed Costume Rideword Hat's look.
- ๐ Fixed HP and SP drain effects to work in shields.
- โญ๏ธ Ace of Clovers in Mouth (Defense) can be enchanted by using Loki's Advice(Defense)
- โญ๏ธ Gambler's Seal [1] can now be enchanted by using Loki's Golden Coin
- ๐ Costume Cow Hats can now be obtained via Gambling at Kachua (Comodo)
- ๐ Fixed Happy Maid's navigation.
- ๐ Fixed some issues with Labraham when talking to him with certain 1st Job Classes.
- ๐ Fixed Ultra Limacina to be Fish / Water 3.
- โญ๏ธ Muszaszir now sells Loki's Golden Coin and Loki's Advice(Defense)
- โญ๏ธ Confused Boy now sells Ace of Clovers in Mouth (Defense)
๐ฎ Skills
- ๐ก Call Spirits (from Chen Card) will now generate up to 2 Souls for Soul Reaper classes
- ๐ Fixed Spiral Pierce Max base scaling (was missing 900%)
- ๐ Fixed Mission Bombard's initial hit to work properly
- ๐ Fixed Wind Hawk's Bow skills to be affected by Vulture's Eye (except Crescive Bolt)
- ๐ Fixed Refresh (Nosiege Runestone) to clear and protect from all listed debuffs correctly.
- ๐ฅ White Imprison's Success Chance is now once again affected by target's base level, STR and LUK
- ๐ Fixed Hindsight: autocasted spell will be cast with fixed level which is limited by level of Hindsight / 2 or learned level of skill (whatever is lower). Sage Spirit increases limit to Hindsight's level.
- ๐ Fixed Spiderweb interaction with Fire Attacks to actually double fire damage. (was reducing fire resistance)
- ๐ Fixed Spiral Pierce:
- Size modifiers are now 130% / 115% / 100% (Small / Medium / Big)
- After Cast Delay is now 1s at all levels
- Variable Casting Time is now 0.25s at all levels
- Fixed Casting Time is now 0.25s at all levels
โ๏ธ๐ก๏ธ PvP / GvG
- ๐ฅ Masquerade's chance factors of caster's dex will be static DEX/12 and the factor of target's agi will be static AGI/3.
- ๐ Fixed Hero's Heirloom's Frigg's Song buff (you have to reapply it at the NPC).
- ๐ Fixed Diamond Dust's Cooldown Duration (minimum 4sec).
- ๐ฉ Reduced Manhole block area from 5x5 to 3x3 cells around players / manholes.
- ๐ฅ Escape will no longer be able to place Anklesnare in 3x3 area around manholes.
- ๐ก Traps can no longer be placed at spawn areas in:
- Capture the Flag
- Stone Control
- Bossnia
- Double Inferno
- ๐ฅ Frost Giant's Blood and Golem's Core can no longer be used.
- ๐ฅ Frost Giant's Blood and Golem's Core now have a 60s cooldown.
๐ญ Other
- ๐ Fixed some cells in ba_bath to no longer be accessible.
- ๐ Fixed Refine Chance to no longer display chances higher than 100%.
- โญ๏ธ Event Managers are now blue.
๐ก ๏ปฟ= Community suggestion
๐ = Bug Fix