I agree with SpaceHelm. In MuhRO, we use @restock bg and @restock woe to restock items that have the BG and WoE-only tags on it. However, there are a few items that don't have its BG and WoE versions yet are still used, for example Green Potion and Butterfly Wing. If we want to take these items out of the storage, we need to use the command twice, (e.g. @restock bg and then @restock). This takes time and is a bit redundant.
Here's a way I thought up of to solve this issue:
Rework @restock bg and @restock woe to take all the BG/WoE items in the restock list but also include normal items if the ones in the list doesn't have the BG/WoE version in the storage (depending on availability in the storage at the moment).
For example, say I did an @restock bg. In my list, I have Green Potion and Golden Syrup. In the system as of now, there are no BG/WoE version of Green Potions, so it wouldn't take anything from the storage for that item, but it will take the BG Golden Syrup because I do have the BG version on my storage.
Not sure if it's possible, but one option is to change the behavior so it takes the available BG version, and the normal version of said items if the BG version doesn't exist on storage.
Thanks for reading; any opinions?