So, theres two types of crystallization. One is from Diamond Dust, which is a flat 20 second, reduced by base vit. Every increment of 10 vit, reduce by 1 second.
Since we can only legitimately have 130 base vit, that is a reduction of 13 seconds from the 20 seconds, net of 7 seconds duration.
Base vit duration works, and in accordance to iro wiki, which most of our mechanics are based on unless a direct source from kro is available.
Now, lets talk about sropho crystallization. This is different because it does not last as long as diamond dust, but a few seconds. Typically 2~ seconds. Its different because:
1) Its a flat 2 seconds, no matter 1 base vit, or 130 base vit.
2) Crystalize bots in pvp run 193 atkspeed; status is refreshed/applied; with potential to lock an individual with a status unless there are prophylaxis measures taken.