Currently Eden Coin (25223) is the most used currency for a plethora of content.
One of the problems that I see most often is people leaning towards mid to endgame having to go to earlier dungeons to farm Eden Coin (25223), while this might not be at issue, it does might hinder EXP, money, item progression compared to farming something they're more inclined to.
To update the viability of Eden Coin (25223) on higher end dungeons.
For dungeons like:
Give x55 to x66 Eden Coin (25223) per 70-80% of the density of mobs in there as kills. If amicitia has 308 mobs, then between 215 to 246 kills per quest.
For dungeons like:
Enhance their quests to give:
They can only be done daily: 15, 5, 1 times respectively and they all share the same cooldown.
I would like to open the debate so people could share their opinion or add new ideas. I will be reading you all. 💗