I would want to ask you to create a new channel discord to try to organize scheduled instances where people can advise the users that in a determinate slot they are available or organize the instances (any instances)
Example: Tomorrow after 5 PM we are trying to organize a party to do Alice hard.
Example: Cardi Support here, I'm available to help players do instances from 1 PM to 5 PM.
Example: Tank here, I'm available to help players do Juncea from 5 PM to 10 PM.
When it's time, to fill the party or ask to replace someone, we continue to use LFG that's immediate for all online players.
And with the use of https://r.3v.fi/discord-timestamps/ (there are a lot of tools like this) could be that instances aren't more inaccessible to players with no endgame gears.
Do you think is this possible or a good idea?