đ Events
- â Happy Hour:
- Removed glast_01 map.
- Capped extra loot at 1% max chance, and Treasure spawn chance at 0.5% max (this prevents abuse in large maps with very few monsters).
- đ Undead Outbreak added to regular GM Events.
- đ Floor is Lava: 33% less luck required in the "Get Lucky!" wave.
đ Instances/Dungeons/Quests
âī¸ Old Glast Heim Challenge Mode:
- âī¸ The chance for at least one Fallen Root to spawn is now 100% (max remains 5 at level 10).
- đ Fallen Root can now drop multiple of the same item.
- đĄ Added 1-second cast time to Max Pain.
- đ Adjusted monster stat scaling:
- Less ATK/MATK for levels 2-8.
- More ATK/MATK for levels 9-10.
- đ Phantom of Amdarais / Himmelmez now have 50m more HP on level 10.
- âī¸ Increased maximum possible drops from treasure based on difficulty.
- đ Removed re-enter "cheese" exploit for reaching Fallen Root.
đĄ Training Room (DPS Dummy Instance):
- Added an option to set monster to Plant Protocol.
- Added an option to set damage variance to: default, max, min, or average.
đĄ Last Room:
- Switched NPC options: "Go Inside" is now the first option.
- Warper now warps directly to the instance entry.
đĄ Illusion of Twins:
- Added Twins Refine Box to all monsters that previously did not drop it.
đ Villa of Deception:
- Fixed Freyja's position-based damage reduction to be 0% when she's in the center (was at least 10% at all times).
âšī¸ Lake of Fire:
- Can no longer be reentered.
đ Hall of Life:
- Fixed Rigel to no longer cast out of bounds when near the arena border.
đ Forgotten Time Zone:
- Fixed contamination announcements in Garden of Time.
đ Items/Item Handling
- đ Removed Weight, Price, and Defense from C. Angel Veil.
- đ Fixed various item names.
- đ Updated a few box items to display probabilities.
- âī¸ Implemented Single Source of Truth (SSOT) for item descriptions:
- Item Description Client data is now partially generated directly from the server database, ensuring accuracy and reducing maintenance time. The following data is affected.
- Weapons: Type, Physical/Magical Attack, Weapon Level, Refinable/Gradable, Weight, Level Requirement.
âĸ Note: Magical Attack is the weapon's base MATK and usually the same as the first MATK bonus listed in the item's description.
- Armors: Type, Defense, Armor Level, Refinable/Gradable, Weight, Level Restrictions.
- Shadow Gear: Type, Refinable, Level Requirement.
- Costumes: Type, Position, Recolor Info.
- Consumables: Type, Weight, Level Restrictions.
- Ammo: Type, Physical Attack, Weight.
- Pet Egg & Accessories: Type.
- More SSOT applications will be added over time - feedback is welcome.
- Many usable/etc items may list 2 types, because these are still work in progress.
- Homepage/Wiki descriptions will be updated soon to reflect these changes.
- âī¸ Enchanting Token of Life onto Signets will now cost 10x Grace of Spirit. (We will send a refund to everyone who used this already)
đ¤ NPC Updates
- đĄ Sandra: Can now convert Helm of Faith II variants into costumes.
- đī¸ Pet Fairy:
- đĄ Added Yellow Pitaya (irregular).
- đ Costume Crafting NPC Arthuria Pendragon returns with 6 new costumes that previously only were obtainable via Cash Shop Eggs
- đ¨ Nefeer can now recolo:
- C. Coiledup Snake Hat
- C. Dragon Cintamani Hat
- C. Mini Horse Hairpin
- C. Helm Of Abyss
đŗ Donation Shop
- đĄ Added:
- Speed Booster Package (10/100)
- Force Booster Package (10/100)
đŽ Skills
- đ Fixed Rhydo Rune to only affect Normal and Counter Attacks.
- đ Fixed Ancilla to be affected by Gemstone reduction effects.
- đ Fixed Dragon Breath (Water) to no longer be affected by Turisus Rune.
đ Other Changes
âī¸đĄī¸ PvP / GvG
- đ Fixed allied monsters to no longer be attackable in GvG Castles.
- đ Fixed partied-up enemies to stay enemies in GvG Castles.
- đ Fixed monsters to no longer attack each other in GvG-enabled dungeons.
đ° WoE SE
- đ Fixed Okolnir to be accessible.
đĄ = Community suggestion
đ = Bug fix