Even though I want the cards of this instance more than anything, and even though I think some of the mechanics in this instance has garbage design, I'll still say that a "skip to boss" option would be bad. -1 from me
I think the instance needs some touch-ups though.
1- From what I've seen, area 3 feels much more annoying in this server compared to what I see in kRO streams. The plagues seem to spam gravity way too much, the mobs are too scattered and high quantity making it take long to get rid of them. I eat a billion gravities in the face before I can clear all the mobs. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, maybe I don't understand the mechanics/AI behavior, but it feels way too frustrating.
Yes I'm not interacting with the tables in Area 2 most of the time, because it takes way too long to do it. But the people I see in streams also don't do it, and yet they handle Area 3 easily.
2- Reapers in Area 1 sometimes hit multiple times and instakill when touched, even though most of the time they hit once. I'm not sure why it happens. Happens rarely so its not a big deal.
3- Reapers have extremely large hitboxes, it can be frustrating trying to click the ground to move in Area 1 since the game thinks we're clicking the reapers even though the cursor is nowhere near them
4- The multiclienting requirement sucks, obviously, can't wait for it to be removed.