jinbou Oh yeah, good points, I was for this thread, but now I'm kind of on the fence. I think it should still be fine? But somethings to consider would be:
If these are added, with no compensation buffs to Rigel, then it would be easier overall.
If these are added, and compensation buffs are added based around the addition of these buffs, then HoL party requirements possibly be stricter. If you need AM, EM. Cardi, IG, Performer for utility now, you might then need AM, EM, Cardi, IG, Performer, GX, meister, Inquisitor, which would possibly make it even harder for PUBs to get a good group going.
Also, it would change the DPS meta a decent bit. While the AM and EM buffs can theoretically benefit all classes, rush quake, dark claw, and oleum sanctum only benefit melee and long, melee, and ranged respectively. This could possibly make it so that other classes are more highly prioritized and push out other classes. But I think the main impact this would have on is magical classes which already provide a lot of support, so even if their dps is impacted i don't think they will be pushed out (maybe some magic classes like ninja, hyper novice, etc. that might not provide support), but just wanted to call that out.
I wouldn't be against these changes, and it'd be interesting to see how it impacts the meta. For example, i think it would be really cool if multiple variations of party compositions were viable. For example, if the current optimal set up is still viable but you could also go GX/meister + melee dps as a viable option or inquis/meister + range dps as a viable option. I just wanted to call out my points above to be considered because it can have negative impacts of rigel being too easy, parties having more restrictive requirements, or the meta just being changed from one to another.
The change to make it only affect the caster though is the one that I'd be against. I do agree it would have the least impact on the rigel meta, but to me this is very close to basically just being a custom buff. I don't really see a difference between allowing dark claw only benefit the GX that casts it and just giving the class a 50% damage buff.