Title: [Short summary of the idea]
Self initiated command, or global change to current pet sprites to be downscaled/smaller. Chibi version.
Explain the suggestion in detail. What is it? How does it work?
There are too many pets that are way too big. Sure I could turn off pets, but I prefer to see the premium pets that are on the smaller side.
While I find non-premium pets a nice addition, the fact that they are half of my screen and obstruct vision is not great.
Why is this a good idea?
Describe the benefits. Will it improve gameplay, fix a problem, or make things more fun?
+Less clutter in towns
+Mvps as "cuter" versions of themselves by being smaller
+less lag
+individuals may be encouraged to unhide pets
+increase pet sales
+Field mvps cannot be confused with pet mvps
-individuals that prefer the original size of the mvp will be affected
-affects people who wants their pet to cover other people's screens
What risks or downsides does it have?
Could it cause balancing issues, be abused, or negatively impact performance?
Nothing as you can @hidepet
This is purely cosmetic
Additional Info:
If possible, compare with similar features in other games. Include images, mock-ups, or examples.

Thanks for considering