I'm new player here and find out the big problem. Here's nothing to do/buy from players/craft on early to mid game from illusion dungeons. Only struggle to get to level 200+ with grace and eden equips.
But after that u got nothing much to do, only grind like its x4 rates (0.04% added drop chance for illu/cash headgears. Spawned 2 times mvp at illu twins and got only 1 refine box from mobs)
That was kinda bad idea to add illusion gears exchange for Safe to +x tickets. Since end game players got nothing valuable and affordable to sell to new players. You need to overlook that problem, so end game players can sell their mid game stuff to early game players.
Check the vending, 85+% of it its Cards, that no one ever gonna buy.
Almost all shop are the same 2-3 traders.
So as new player i can play only solo and pray for rng gods(0.04%) with slow kill speed to get early-mid+ gears, or just farm gefenia/etc forever to buy end game gears.
So with that description i suggest to remove illusion gear exchange for safe to ticket
Remove cooldown for Illusion office quest
Change rewards on %name% refine box + illusion stones as reward for completing x100 mob kills (reduce exp reward for quest to balance leveling)