I was thinking if was too soon to make this suggestion, since the update is still recent, but im also wonder if it can end up being too late eventually, i know this is something that some might some agree and some dont, but i still would like to share my thoughs regards the new varmundt gear enchants.
First of all, i would like to say how insaneally hard the new varmundt rings seems to be to enchant on they reformed version, so i though on some ways to make it better without harm the experience through enchanting it.
The most important change i would like to suggest is remove varmundt water from 1st and 2nd enchants on rings, and keep 5 for the 3rd enchant, same as how it is with the other varmundt gears with essences. We dont need waters to enchant the pre-reformed version, so it seems like a big downgrade, expecially for who didnt pay attention on this detail and reform it before enchant since they dont cost any water before it. That feeling of "keep the downgrade version", kinda like the varmundt hammers for refining before last patch, doesnt rly seems good. Good enchants rates are already very low and water extremally expensive to craft, it cost 25 essences per water though diferent dungeons, and we need 1/3/5 atm for 1st/2nd/3rd enchants, so in total 225 essences per attemp (100 only for 1st and 2nd enchants, that are same as the downgrade version).
My second suggestion is, if possible, make the 3rd enchant on varmundt gears being able to reset individually, with the option of keep 1st and 2nd enchant. It could be a bit more expensive for the varmundt gear beside acc (like costing extra 10 runes/essences if we chose to reset only 3rd slot), and for rings, keep same value or add 5 extra rune/waters for the 3rd enchant reset.
This suggestion are more meant for the reformed varmundt rings, considering it costs, and the 0,05% rate on 3rd slot to get the desirables enchant, making it potentiallly much worse than gray wolf when introduced if we want to get a good enchanted ring overral (a perfect one being near impossible).
For the other varmundt gears, i think it also would be nice considering 3rd enchant are meant only for a specific set of elemental enemies, it would let us be able to change the 3rd slot elemental we wanna focus instead force us to craft an entirelly new set of gear for diferent elements or go through enchant reset all over again (same things can be said for the rings 3rd enchant over they racial modifiers). Also would be less punitive for those who have to reset a perfect 2nd enchant for a better 3rd.
Another alternative way would be, instead of my second suggestion, make at least second enchant on reformed rings be upgradeable like the other varmundt gears.