I know not everyone tasted how it felt like to play WoE on that server, but this is something that I personally think would benefit both the players and the GM Team (Developers).
People in PvP scene is really competetitive by nature. Having a WoE Page with Stats would definitely incentivize them to fight. Back in the days people would do anything to get into the first page of WoE Stats. Having the most kill / dealt damage / number of hits on emperium, etc. This will give another reason to play War of Emperium and not Break the Emperium. But the really important aspect is:
GM Team and the decicion maker on WoE scene, would able to get their hands on REAL NUMBERS. This will help them to see what is the meta, what class is being most efficient dealing LOWEST damage, but HIGHEST amount to kill. What are the classes that are being played the most. This gives them more insight about what's going on in the WoE scene.
For an analogy, imagine a person is cooking a meal for his friends. During the dinner, his friends don't say a single word if the food is good or not. After the meal, without showing any face expression if they like the food or not, they just go home without even thanking the person who cooked the meal. Now would that person be able to properly gauge if he cooked a good meal, or a disastrous one, even if he knows the food he cooked fits his own taste?
Suggested solution:
Having a compelling WoE Page that includes stats as follow:
- Guild Name
- Character Name
- Kills
- (cumulative) Damage Dealt
- The name of player who broke the emperium (per castle basis)
Image example:
Emperium Breaker:

Stat page:

- Numerical inputs to properly monitor the meta of the WoE scene
- Helping the decision maker on WoE Scene
- Incentivize the hardcore PvP players who care to fight (Refugees from the server that got closed)
- Potentially even reaching more hardcore PvP players who are currently not playing on the server. Cause they will start to talk between one another “MuhRO just recently adopted X idea on their WoE Scene. It’s similar to that server. Wanna check it out?”
Cons about this:
- People who play multiple client during the WoE will be shown multiple times
- People with big ego start to brag “I got X kills during the last WoE, I’m the best player”
- People will start to complain if certain class seems to be dealing higher damage than the other
- People will start to theorycraft ideas, why a recent change (buffs or nerfs) is questionable
- People will ask for a more detailed character page, that has skills casted, emperium hits, character image, etc.
And the biggest problem of all would be:
People will start to act as if they are the best game designer on the planet, and THINK their ideas deserve to be put into realization without proper testing, without asking the playerbase, without experience on the content, without actually playing the content, and without proper education in game design. They are called “Gamer” for a reason, but they think they could be as good as a “Game Designer”, just because they have more kills.
This will slowly drift towards human psychology and philosophy, so I’d rather stop here. But thanks for reading this long suggestion 😀