AgentWobble Title says it all. Would love to have the option to reset the instance(also probably along with its quests) by paying instance coins(probably around 2-3 times the amount of the usual reward you got from doing the instance).
Muh Hi there, thank you for the suggestion. We have talked about this and would like to know why exactly you'd want this? Can we get your honest opinion on this? What are your use-cases. Maybe it's just that we'd have to add more items to the Coin-Shop.
AgentWobble Muh just had something to do with script based drops, not being able to increase that value. altho it could be solved by creating more alt and run the same instances again and again. also having a lot of instances coins and not being able to use it, the items being traded for the instance coins doesnt interest me in a bit. I hope that some items can be added on it, ie consumables or random boxes.