cruro yes, this is basically a cart, but bcoz opening storage doesn't allow you any kind of movement untill you close the stash it has it's flaws. Plus, the character storage I talk about doesn't need to be as big as normal staches(still, there's no weight restrictions? I wonder if that aspect can be tweaked as well). 50-100 space will allow you to have access to various ammunition, food, buffs and healing items and more situational gear for more specialized situations
There may be many balancing factors. Maybe it shouldn't be allowed to be opened if there are mobs nearby(around 7-9 tiles radius?) Maybe it can only be opened for a limited time(although I'm not sure that any script may allow such interaction)?
Overall, it will alloy you to spend less time organizing most of the stuff, which will be especially helpful to those, who play multiple classes. Dare I say, it will make general kafra stashes at least a little bit easier to look into
I'd be very glad if everyone as well would share any point of criticism that's on their mind, and thank you four point