Although mild, thats still changing skill behavior (mado cant be slowed/increase speed) so still -1
I would agree and I'd be against any changes too if slow immunity was an actual advantage that mado has. But in this server guyak is practically free, and it makes the character slow immune too, so the reality is that everyone is slow immune here anyway. "Not being affected by movement based skills" feature of mado is supposed to be a double-edged sword, as movement buffs/debuffs both don't work, but due to how things work here, the advantage is completely lost, and only the disadvantage remains.
Even if guyak was changed to work with mado, mado wouldn't gain any advantage over other classes in terms of movespeed. It would just move at max speed and be slow immune, which is the exact same thing every other class has always been able to do anyways 🤷♀️
edit: Also, divine-pride and every korean website I check shows guyak as a consumable that just adds 100 movespeed, which shouldn't make player slow immune I feel like. And with a 5 minute duration instead of 30. So, I'm not sure but unless I'm looking at some outdated info, our mechanics seem to be already custom when it comes to movespeed? (and even if itsn't, how its basically free in this server still makes the circumstances very different for this server…)