If you're unfamiliar with Gramps, the basic concept is there's an NPC in eden group who gives you a quest to kill 400 of a given type of monster and upon killing 400 of the given type you are rewarded with a large sum of exp.
These monsters exist in a special map you access by talking to the aforementioned gramps NPC, after you kill all the necessary monsters you would turn in your quests and be awarded with a very large sum of experience.
Normally Gramps would be redundant since the exp rate on the server is so high but exp gains slows down significantly at the 250 range, even with dungeons such as Depth 1, Biospheres and Twisted Power Plains being excellent leveling spots they don't make it easy for players to group together and level up as a party.
I see this as a perfect opportunity to bring leveling parties into the server by centralizing leveling into one dungeon and making it easy for players to work together on the same task.
The core incentive for this to work is Gramps would need to be the fastest method for levelling, a 50%
Additionally to future-proof gramps for future level caps, I want to advocate if gramps 250 is implemented it would follow a 250-280 level limit; currently the level cap in-game is 275, however I'm sure gravity will increase it in the future.
The reason I want to see a level cap if gramps is implemented is it would stop people from bringing in max level characters and leeching them through exp quests like what happens with illusion dungeons, people would need to actually gear their characters up for the level range or keep an intentionally underleveled character to help with levelling.
Essentially I'd like to see leveling parties for levels 250-280 and to make the endgame leveling process less tedious than solo farming in a dungeon until a character reaches max level.