The volume for dancer skills is very noticeably louder than every other skill in the game. It blasts my ears whenever someone unexpectedly casts, say, swing dance. I don't want to have to turn off sfx to avoid this. I enjoy playing the game with sfx on, the audio cues are helpful for me. It would be awesome if it's possible to lower the volume on those skills to save everyone's ears.
Lower dancer skill sfx volume
Swing Dance has been absurdly louder than all other songs & dance skills since it's been implemented.
I would love to no longer have my ears ruptured by it
We could look into providing short songs as custom patch which you could apply as option. Would this be good enough?
Or would this be about reduce the default volume of those sounds?
The volume is a much bigger issue than the length of the songs. Even if the songs are shorter, if the volume is still the same, our ears are still getting blasted. There's a few performer songs that are pretty loud, swing dance is just the one we tend to hear the most with the winter event. I do think having the option for shorter songs would be a nice option for those who would prefer it. I, personally, like hearing the performer songs, just at a more reasonable volume.