While I think the amount of time and commitment it takes to farm all the Mats from the Dungeon, LoF and HoL to get the max enchanted equipment from Garden of Time is a joke (A Joke that works for kRO cause they got thousands of players and you can literally buy the mats for cheap zeny at the vending market…) I also would like to drop this in here:
As up to Chapter1 (,,the new Episode 22 on kRO if you want to call it so) nothing better has been added to even kRO. So even now, with Chapter 1 on the horizon, you will not replace your Hall of lIfe Accessory nor your Hall of Life Garment anytime soon with new gears that are better than this 2 pieces.
Even if something better might come with Patch Chapter 1.5 or Chapter 2.0, we wont see it on MuhRO for like 2 Years I guess? (Expecting to see Episode 21 by the end of this year and Episode 1 somehwere around mid June 2026?). So we got time and we dont need to rush, as there is nothing else waiting for us after HoL BiS Gear.
However, I think most of our current player wont ever see BiS Enchanted gear here, cause many will quit long time before they get all the mats to success throught this rediculous RNG Wall (6% for right enchant on the acc, and after that up to 25% chances for upgrade….) or simple burn out trying.
PS: My main source of getting the Energy of Element is farming OGH Normal/Hard/Challenge/Fall of GH with the power of my 15 Biolo alt slaves daily 😃 - I dont care for the Dungeon Daily cause the time amount it takes to kill the (M) Monsters is … well.. a choice made). So make more Alts and enjoy the Progress ^_^