Hello! I'm a linux user and would like some help in trying to get the patcher running on linux.
Right now the patcher exits with the following error:
`Error: error sending request for url (https://patcher.muhro.eu/patches/patcher/Muh_Patcher.exe): error trying to connect: OS Error -2146762482 (FormatMessageW() returned error 317) (os error -2146
Caused by:
0: error trying to connect: OS Error -2146762482 (FormatMessageW() returned error 317) (os error -2146762482)
1: OS Error -2146762482 (FormatMessageW() returned error 317) (os error -2146762482)`
I'm not familiar with the patcher so I wasn't able to figure out on my own if there was some dependency missing or something. Just that it failed to connect to the address in the error.