Set_R I would stop calling people lazy, it's rude, and you're assuming a lot of things on people you hardly know. People just like their meta, because they're probably just starting and wanting the best, most efficient things to help support them in their struggle to accumulate enough damage to do anything difficult, with hardly any gear.
Not everyone chooses to spend their time testing things, so this meta, to some, is the only answer, until they reach their point of comfort, to expand their knowledge, like you. Also, why does this bother you? You don't have to use these scrolls if you don't want to. Let people just use their items and farm the way they want to. Your argument is based on your own idea of what this will be used for, and it bothers you that some other class will use it? You must really hate that SA can heal, res, jump almost like a champion, can buff stats, has several aoe skills, and can use any element, because that class alone excludes a lot of the other choices. Just play your class and let people play theirs, their way. If that includes some scroll that is an official item, then that's their choice. It can only harm you in pvp, but that's another discussion.