CongaLyne How is it not justified? you're literally isolating a zone because you want a terrible experience in it, and you're SECURING the idea that someone will not waste their time going there, or spending that time, because it's just not worth it? So you want people NOT to feel excited about end game? and prefer to keep a dull experience? Wake up already, this is not end game content, because you can SOLO this area. The challenge is long gone because of gravity's choice to make things easier. You seem to be living in the past, and you're refusing to see how deeply this game has changed, and you still believe that pre renewal content exists in this game. It doesn't, and you're promoting BORING content because you feel it's CHALLENGING to overspend your time.
You even admit you're FORCED to farm D1. Why is this even a thing? gear that allows us to farm this zone is already obtainable, and this zone is just some fabricated KRO manifestation that sways people from approaching it, because there are far more better activities to parttake in. I'm voting to give people MORE reason to go down there, or rather, give them A REASON, instead of just farming zenny and outright BUYING what they need. This is about helping activity pick up, because that can become a great farming zone, isn't being just another abandoned pit.
Face it, this is a field, with a bunch of porings around it, and there are far better porings out there that we can kill, that offer more. It just doesn't make SENSE anymore.