jinbou It does sound crazy, but that'd have more to do with you seemingly not getting the point I was making.
At all.
And now I'm as surprised as you are, albeit for different reasons.
I never claimed Villa was a party galore.
In fact, I clearly acknowledged this in my very first post in the thread.
What I said however is that this is one of the very few instances that are indeed designed with party play in mind.
It's literally baked into its mechanics.
The only reason the 2 players requirement "isn't doing its job" is due to multiclienting once again ruining things for everyone (dunno where you ever saw me defending it by the way).
The difference is this is where I put the blame: the playerbase, for leaning way too hard into soloing and the server, for allowing it in the first place.
You put it on the instance's design instead.
And this is where the first point is made.
And missed.
The second one is more a matter of principles.
No matter how much it is soloed to death by everyone and their mother, this is actually a hardcoded party based instance in its design.
So, singling out the mechanic that makes it so to shelve it because it is a bother to those that'd rather solo it but without cheesing it via multiclienting absolutely is a step in the wrong direction as far as I'm concerned.
coffee Don't you worry about me holmes.
I knew it was accepted way before actually commenting.
I'm just hard headed like that.